Email adress in Payment email

When you mark an invoice as payed there is an email sent out. I think there are two problems since the migration of V4 to V5.

  1. I have pro plan with three company emails. In v4 there were three different users, in v5 there is only one. So if a confirmation mail is sent out, they all use the one email adress of the user. It would be nice if the payment confirmation email would use the emailadress of the company details instead of the user.
  2. Can’t change the user. Get the message: 422 The given data is invalid. The emailadress is allready linked to an account. Maybe because I tried to link it to an emailadress that is in use with the V4 account?

I currently have to switch off the payments mails (Settings-Company details- Default values) which is not so customer friendly.

  1. I believe this can be customized with the settings on Settings > Email Settings

  2. v5 is a completely separate database to v4 but all v4 users are migrated over, the email most likely already exists in the system.

  1. Ah good. Is send time for a time zone? If so what zone is the starting point?
  2. Don’t get it. I have one user email in V5. The email’s I tried to change it into are in V5 only entered in company details. Maybe because it is migrated from v4 to v5? But as the Pro plan in V5 only allows me one user they all got set to the one I have. Maybe it is still in your database? But how do I get rid of the 422 error?
  1. I believe it should use the timezone set on Settings > Localization
  2. @david any thoughts?
  1. Sorry. Then I don’t understand what “Send time” is. Does 1:00 mean mail only gets send out at 1:00AM according to time zone set? And if I don’t set “Send time”, does that mean that mail gets send out immediately?

That’s correct, email are sent at send time base on the timezone setting.

If the value is blank emails are sent at the default send time, @david can you please advise when that is?

Default is +0 UTC

Otherwise we can send at a specific time ie (9am) based on the clients timezone.