E-invoice settings Differences between React interface and Windows app

Hello everyone,

since a lot of work is currently being done on the e-invoice settings, I have noticed that there is a difference between the React web interface and the Flutter web interface or the Windows app (see screenshots)



I myself use the React web interface and only use the app for time recording, as ongoing time recording via React is not possible.

However, a customer is still using the Flutter interface and here I have the question of whether the React interface can only be activated for one user, i.e. me as admin.

Thank you


The feature is being actively developed, once the React interface is complete we’ll copy over the functionality to the Flutter app.

Note: once the settings are configured in the React app you can continue to use the Flutter app to use the feature.

Thanks for the info.

So it is not possible to make the React interface available to a single user?

That’s correct, the setting applies to all users.