Due date of recurring invoices via API

I am using the below API code, which works by setting up the recurring invoice, and then immediately sending the first invoice

$invoice = $ninja->recurring_invoices->create([
‘client_id’ => $ninjaUserIDToken,
‘date’ => date(‘Y-m-d’),
‘due_date’ => date(‘Y-m-d’),
// recuring start
‘frequency_id’ => 5,
‘remaining_cycles’ => -1,
// recuring end
‘line_items’ => [
‘quantity’ => 1,
‘cost’ => $billingAmount,
‘product_key’ => $billingCredits.’ Credits’,
‘notes’ => ‘You are buying ‘.$billingCredits.’ credits’,
‘custom_value1’ => ‘credits’,
‘custom_value2’ => $billingCredits
[‘send_email’ => ‘true’]

        $invoiceBulk2 = $ninja->recurring_invoices->bulk("send_now", array($invoice['data']['id']));
        $invoiceBulk = $ninja->recurring_invoices->bulk("start", array($invoice['data']['id']));

The problem i am having is:
There is no due date set on the invoice that is sent (in my case i would like the due date to be the same as the invoice date).
How can i set the due date of each recuring invoice to be the date it was created?



One option would be to set the recurring invoice to ‘Use payment terms’ and set the payment terms for the client to net 0.

To figure our the API values to set you can use the network tab in the browser console to view the requests sent by the app.