Don't see Peppol

Version ie <v5.10.30>

v5.11.6 W171

Environment <Docker/Shared Hosting/Zip/Other>

Shared Hosted


  • Can you replicate the issue on our v5 demo site or Invoice Ninja?
  • Have you searched existing issues?
    When tot E-invoice but don’t see Peppol in the list
  • Have you inspected the logs in storage/logs/laravel.log for any errors?

Describe the bug

Steps To Reproduce

Expected Behavior

Additional context




For now this needs to be configured in the React web app.

Once the UI is finished we’ll port it to the Flutter desktop/mobile apps.

How do you mean with React Web App. When I go to the webapplication of Invoice Ninja I also don’t see the option.

Which version do you see in the web app?

Thanks, you’re using the Flutter web app.

There’s a button at the top of the dashboard to change to the React web app.


Ok now I see it and I added the license key to the env. file but still I get something wrong when I want to start for the first time

Are there any details about the error in storage/logs?


I don’t see it either.
I also don’t see it on the Demo site.

PEPPOL is only available in the countries that currently support it. We use the country configure in the Company Address details to determine this

More info, and the list of supported countries can be found here:


I’m from Belgium.
Do you need to pay the 30 euros to use PEPPOL?


There are two components to the pricing.

  1. For KYC we require a White Label License. $30/yr
  2. E-Credits then need to be purchased. 1 e-credit = 1 send or receive of an document.

These can be purchased in blocks of 500 or 1000.

These are valid for one year.