Do I need to move to Paypal Platform?


I got the InvoiceNinja newsletter about moving from Paypal Express to Paypal Platform. At first, I thought that the Paypal Express API integration was being deprecated and I have to move to Paypal Platform to prevent a payment processor service disruption, but that does not seem to be the case. Venmo has not been a requested processor by my customers, so I’m questioning need for the payment processor gateway change. I’m also are concerned that if I proceed with the change to Paypal Platform and entirely remove Paypal Express as is suggested, I will not be able to issue refunds (easily) for purchases made through Paypal Express. It appear that I cannot run both Gateways at the same time, I cannot configure Paypal Platform with Paypal Express still installed/configured as a gateway.

My questions are: Do I have to move to the Paypal Platform Gateway? Will Paypal Express Gateway be deprecated soon? If I have to move to the new Gateway, should I schedule the changeover when I don’t anticipate any needing to process any refunds because I’ll lose the ability within InvoiceNinja after the Paypal Express Gateway is deleted?



@david can you please advise?

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Your ability to issue refunds will not change at all. We do not support refunds via the app with the PayPal express driver.

Migration to the new platform will be required, there are zero downsides to the move. In fact, there will be more options available in future releases.

Thank you!

I was confused with my refund workflow with the Stripe Gateway. I’ll move over to the new Paypal Platform Gateway when I have a little time to test and debug any issues. Do you have a timeline to when the Paypal Express Gateway will be deprecated?

@tusk, at the very latest March will be the deadline for moving over.