Display Not showing correctly : Invoice Ninja - v4.5.14

Hi All,

After doing the upgrade to Invoice Ninja - v4.5.14 the display boxes have been resized and don’t format correctly.
Please see screenshot: https://prnt.sc/ow2uw3a

The only custom changes done to the dashboard was removing the graphs, which will only visible to the admin users.

It says the screenshot was removed.

Which version did you upgrade from? There haven’t been any changes to the dashboard code for a while.

Hi Hilel,

Upgraded from v4.5.13 to v4.5.14 to the latest version, keeping the software updated to the latest version

This is the only extra I added

@if (Auth::user()->hasPermission('admin'))
    function loadChart(data) {
        var ctx = document.getElementById('chart-canvas').getContext('2d');

div class=“row”>
@if (Auth::user()->hasPermission(‘admin’))

Should I change the position of the permissions?

Sorry, we aren’t able to support custom code changes.

Hi Hilel,

Can you point me in the direction, of what could be the issue thou?
As I have purchased the licence.


Hi Hilel,

found the issue, just need some editing of the code and adding in <p> </p>

Which seems to have been missing.

Great, glad to hear it’s working!