Design Template

Hello there,
I try to design my own template based on Plain and I’m wondering if it’s possible to load the company address two times.
I’ve created a new div and used the same id but it’s not filled.
Now I’m wondering if it is even possible or if I did something wrong :smiley:
Thank you!


@ben any thoughts?

I also have another question: Is it possible to fetch a single target?
With the id “company-address” I get the whole company address. But is it also possible to fetch only the street like id=“company-address_street”? I had a look to the documentation but as I understand it correct you can use data-ref selectors for css but not for fetching data, or?

You can see all available variables here:

Do you mean the custom fields?

Edit: The only way to use custom fields is to assign them to company, client and so on, but I can’t use a single custom field using the designer, can I?

I’m referring to using variables, you can use single field variables in the invoice design.

Could you please give an example, e.g. the company name inside a paragraph?
Or just copy and paste one of your custom fields.
That would be great!

Thank you :smiley:

Edit: Forget it, had a typo :-X

… I’m wondering if it’s possible to load the company address two times.

I am afraid no. IDs should be unique.

Could you please give an example, e.g. the company name inside a paragraph?
