design invoice with real invoice data in template

Is there a way to use a real invoice to make a new design ?
or where can we change the sample client invoice data which is used for designing the invoicetemplate?

I’m not sure I understand “use a real invoice to make a new design”.

We don’t currently support changing the sample data.

Hi the sample data doesn’t have data for all fields like vatnumber identificationnumer etc
if i use $clientIdNumber or $clientVatNumber i don’t see anythiung

You’d need to test those fields with an actual invoice.

Note: the variables are $client.idNumber and $client.vatNumber

how is formatting used in tables ?


where can we see how the formatting is done ?

For example: "hLineWidth":"$firstAndLast:.5", would set the horizontal line width for the first and last rows to .5.

Here’s the code for PDF generation: