Date Mismatch between Email and Invoice

I just got myself set up with InvoiceNinja and was running tests the other day to be sure my Payment gateways were working OK when I noticed an anomaly in the dates displayed. I created an invoice where the “Invoice Date” was the same day (in this case, September 7) and the “Due Date” was the next day (September 8).

The invoice (both online AND the PDF version) display this information correctly:

Invoice shows correct due date

But the email sent to the customer (using the “Light” template) shows that the “Due Date” is September 7:

Email to customer shows incorrect date

Is there a setting I’m missing or have incorrectly configured?


Can you check that your timezone is set correctly on /settings/localization

Also, are you using or are you self hosting the app?

Hi Hillel,

I am using… and it appears that the timezone is set correctly in my account (US Pacific Time) and on my laptop (same).

I think I’ve found the problem.

I’ve deployed a fix, when you get a chance please try again.

Hi Hillel,

Thanks for the follow-up. I just did a test and it looks like it worked! I’ll keep an eye on it (my first round of invoices will be going out in early October) and let you know if I see anything misbehaving. But it looks like you got it!


  • John

Great to hear, thanks for letting us know!