Custom label on template for VAT field?

I can’t seem to find a way to show a custom label for a specific item company_address-company.vat_number. In Canada it’s not a VAT number but instead a GST / HST number which is the exact wording I want to show. I have it showing the value in the right place on the template, but no label.

Recently I migrated from v4 (self-hosted) to v5 (hosted) and some migration settings seem to have not been migrated properly.


You can set a custom label on Settings > Localization

I have but the label doesn’t get displayed on the invoice template.

Thanks, understood.

One option would be to use a custom design to replace the company-details section with the labels/values you want shown.

@david could we consider showing the label if a custom value is set? This is how v4 works, it provides a way to show the label without needing a custom design.

I do have a custom design and I would have put in the label directly within the template but it seems the Company Address area is dynamically inserted so the only option would be to use CSS :before and insert content: "GST / HST #"; which isn’t as ideal.


We are going to rework the invoice designs, we’ll certainly take this one into consideration.

One thing to try would be to hide the company vat

[data-ref=“company_details-company.vat_number”] {
display: none;

And then create your own custom label in the company details block.