Credit balance error?

hello, maybe i dant make this for the right way. but some clientes payme in advance, and to have control of that client i make a credit note
but when i go to the client tab the credit balance is 0€.

is a error?
if that cliente have a credit of 70€, so the credit balance show 70€, right?
what i want is a positive balance for the cliente already payme the mounth of September.

best regards


If you select the client you should see their correct credit balance,

@david is the client.credit_balance field kept up to date with the available balance amount?

i add the credit balance colum, and you can see that show 0€ and i have a credit note of 70€ in that client

It looks like we have stubbed this functionality, but have not implemented it yet. I’ll add it to my backlog.

@david any news? balance will work?? :slight_smile:




Available in the next release.

thank you work nice :slight_smile: