Counter reset does not reset clientCounter?

Hi Invoice Ninja Team,
I am using a whitelabeled, self hosted Invoice Ninja 4.5.16 and I have problems with the counter reset, because it seems that it only resets the global invoice and quote counter, but not the two counters (for invoices and quotes) that are stored with each customer and that are available using the $clientCounter variable.

Of course, I have set up a cronjob that executes

artisan ninja:send-invoices
artisan ninja:send-reminders

once a day.

I was able to verify that it resets the global counters successfully, so I hope it’s just a configuration issue or a bug, but no missing feature why it’s not working for client-based counters :slight_smile:

My patterns are:

{$clientIdNumber}/{$year}-{$clientCounter} for invoices and
ANG-{$clientIdNumber}/{$year}-{$clientCounter} for qoutes

Kind regards,

Sorry, it isn’t supported. Only the top level counters are reset.

Okay, that’s too bad. Maybe it’s worth to be a feature for upcoming Invoice Ninja 2 releases?

Agreed, we’ll keep it in mind…

Is this still the case in v5.8.21-C153? I would like to have a “number of invoices for this customer in the current year”-counter and thought i could use client-counter, but i looks like it’s not reset on new year.

This has been adjusted in the latest v5.