Could "Due Date" be calculated (with Payment term selected) with the date the invoice is sent as a basis?


Could “Due Date” be calculated (with Payment term selected) with the date the invoice is sent as a basis?

I’ve noticed that due date seems to be based on the Invoice Date, which is OK only if the Invoice is created and sent the same day (as the Invoice date)… Otherwise, it might be considered as unfair for the customer by legal instances, which is completely true…

I haven’t found any option to change that behaviour… Did I miss something?

With Invoice Ninja v4, Due date was computed when the Invoice was created. So even if the Invoice date was changed to the last day of the previous month, payment term was OK if the invoice was sent the same day. I just had to add one day if I sent the invoice the day after…

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,


I don’t believe this is currently supported but feel free to request it by creating an issue here: