Costumer ID on invoice design v5


how do i set the costumer ID on the invoice design. I have set there ID and Number but it dont write it on the invoice.



There are three different client id fields, maybe you’re confusing them?

  • $ : Autogenerated and used by the API (ie, 7WR07SC)
  • $client.number: Autogenerated and can be configured on Settings > Generated -Numbers (ie, 0001)
  • $client.id_number: Standard field which can be used to store the client’s number from a different system


how can i add the client.number on the invoice. In the settings → Invoice Deisgn → Client Details is no possibility to add it.


this is my invoice settings in the design:


	<div>Better Safe GmbH | Siebenbürgerstraße 100 | 1220 Wien</div>
	<div style="padding-left: 15px;">Ihr Partner beim Thema Sicherheit für Wien, <br>Niederösterreich und das Burgenland!</div>
	<div style="padding-top: 25px;" id="client-details"></div>
    <div><table id="entity-details" style="padding-right: 15px;" cellspacing="0"></table></div>

isn´t the client id inclouded in client-details?


Ok i guess the number is not correctly migrated from v4 to v5, because in the field customer number at costumer details is no number.

I wrote the number in the field and checked the quotes to see if its in the design now. Nothing changed, so i changed the design in the quote and gut this error:

Error: please check that Invoice Ninja v5 is installed on the server


after many reloadings i got this error:

XMLHttpRequest error.

Ok know i wanted to add a new client and got this error:

TimeoutException after 0:00:30.000000: Future not completed

maybe you know now why i say many bugs… i cant work because i try to send invoices and quotes but it takes long time and it dont work

Are there any errors in the web server error logs or in storage/logs/

Hey i got again the problem with the number of the costumer. When i add a new costumer, the system generates a new number (KD2021xxxx) but on the invoice and quote is no option to add this number. I got in costumer details one field wich should be clien.number (Kundennummer) and this number is on the invoice and qoute. So i have to add the client number to the clíent by myself.


We’ll look into adding the field

Hey, yes this was also my first suggestion :slight_smile: but there is no option for “Nummer” which should be.