Complete list of custom fields for templates

Hello @ all,

sorry for opening a thread for this, but I cannot find a complete list of all available custom fields for Invoice-Templates.

By the way: What’s the difference between a template and a design?



Here’s the list of fields:

Templates are more flexible than designs, this video provides a good overview:

Hi Hillel,

I already found that list before I opened this topic. I thought it was not complete.

However I also watch that video, but where can I get the syntax or the variable lists for that all? What does it mean to set { } brackets or double {{ }} brackets? When to write % and when not. Are spaces between brackets and values necessary? And so on.

Do you have a manual for that?

Thanks a lot!

If you’re aware of any fields which are missing we’re happy to add them.

You can refer to the TWIG documentation for specifics:

Thanks, that’s cool. But where do I get the variables and stuff?

The variables are listed in the page linked above, unless I’m misunderstanding?

I mean those one must use for the TWIG stuff. Like

{ item.notes }
{{ % set invoice = invoices|first }}

‘n’ stuff. I’m sorry, maybe I’m slowly in understanding it all.

You can use the API docs to reference the object fields. For example, at the bottom of this page check out example/schema section.