Company name in two languages and invoice in two Languages

I am an Invoice Ninja client for about an year. I had the impression that this was supported but now I can not understand how.
I would like to issue an invoice in two language.
Problems are

  1. I would like to have my company name in language 1 and in language 2. These are different alphabets.
  2. I would like to export as pdf the invoice in different languages.

I can not find how any of this should be done and a search on the forum and on the internet did not gave me good results. Also it is not noted in the documentation.

How could I achieve this?

Best Regards,

And by client I mean that I have it “White labeled”

One option would be adding a second company by clicking your name in the top right.

With a single company it would be more difficult, two invoices can’t share the same number. You can change the client language but you’d then need to translate the rest of the invoice.

Hope it helps…

Thanks. It kind of helps, but

with two companies I will have two sequences of invoice numbers. Which will be a hell for accounting.

Yeah, I hear that…

Sorry, the app just isn’t designed for this.