Colored Footer Line

Hey, im currently having issues with getting a solid colored line in my footer before the text lines.
if you see my code below it works perfectly in my regular invoice but not when i put it in my footer.
some of you will say keep it in the regular invoice code but then it break onto another page once your add more articles in your invoice.
i even tried removing the values in the rect but nothing works. can some of you assist me in this.

  "canvas": [
      "type": "rect",
      "x": 0,
      "y": 100,
      "w": 515,
      "h": 3,
      "r": 7,
      "lineWidth": 1,
      "color": "$secondaryColor:#374e6b"
  "columns": [
      "width": 120,
      "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
      "width": "*",
      "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
      "width": "*",
      "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
      "width": 90,
      "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
  "margin": [

I think the text is covering the line, you can fix it by enclosing the elements in a stack so they’re laid out one after the other. You’ll need to set the last value on the ‘Margins’ tab to 100.

  "stack": [
      "canvas": [
          "type": "line",
          "x1": 0,
          "y1": 38,
          "x2": 498,
          "y2": 38,
          "lineWidth": 1,
          "lineColor": "$secondaryColor:#374e6b"
      "columns": [
          "width": 120,
          "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
          "width": "*",
          "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
          "width": "*",
          "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
          "width": 90,
          "text": "\n text insert 28 \n text insert"
  "margin": [

Thanks Hillil,

this did the trick with small adjustments in the canvas.