Client Portal URL

Thank you Invoice Ninja community for all you do to keep the project going! It truly means allot.

We have a self hosted install and we use a subdomain to access invoice ninja.

We want it so when a client goes to the subdomain it will automatically go to the client login and not the admin login. We don’t want clients to have to type in /client/login

We would prefer the admin login to be access via the subdomain/admin.

Is there a way to make this happen? Clients should not have to type in /client/login as they will never remember that. Don’t like the iframe solutions as it creates security risks. We also don’t want to use subdomain for the main system like and then use for the client login. We don’t want to do that because when emails go out we don’t want the URL links in the emails the be the admin login subdomain.

Any ideas on how to address this?

What about setting up a subdomain which redirects to the /client/login route?

Hi Hillel,

Thank you for your response. As I mentioned in my message above we don’t want to do that. If we use two subdomains one for application itself and a second subdomain the customers use which gets redirected to /client/login it creates problems.

The biggest problem is the outbound emails URL do not use the customer redirected URL. This creates a poor customer experience and causes lack of trust with our customers. In business customers want / need to trust a brand / business. One of many ways to build trust is to keep things simple, easy to use and constant. Having two subdomains doesn’t do any of that. Customers are going to get confused. It today’s world of cyber security issues I would not trust a companies billing software that used two different subdomains for there billing. There is no reason for it.

This can’t be that hard to do. Why can’t the application subdomain directly go to the client login? A business owner or bookkeeper don’t mind typing in /admin/login or saving it as a book mark. Customers don’t want to deal with that headache. Customers experience and easy of use need to come first.

Thanks for your feedback, we’ll keep it in mind for v2…


Thank you for sharing that with your team and taking that into consideration in v2. Do you know when your team is projecting v2 release?

Are there any other things we can do to resolved this use before v2.

Have a fantastic week.

We don’t have an ETA, some time in 2019.

You could submit a request here:

j’ai un soucis avec l’installation faite par Softaculous qui m’a installé Ninja dans

une fois installé j’ai dirigé directement dans ninja/public

le problème : c’est que le lien contenu dans le mail d’envoi de la facture dirige sur la connexion admin a la place de la connexion client

dans parametres/paramètres avancés/portail client/Autorisation le lien qui s’affiche en face de connexion client =

alors comme indiqué dans la doc j’ai modifié le htaccess dans public en validant rewritebase/

Step 6 Troubleshooting : If you’re using a subdomain. ie, You will need to add RewriteBase / to public/.htaccess otherwise it may fail with

j’ai aussi modifié le fichier .env


comme ceci :


mais ca ne fonctionne toujours pas
est ce que quelqun peut m’aider.
Par avance merci
bien cordialement

------Google Trad
I have a problem with the installation made by Softaculous who installed me Ninja in

a faith installed i managed directly into ninja/public

the problem : the link contained in the billing e-mail leads to the admin login instead of the client login

in parameters / advanced parameters / customer portal / Authorization the link that appears in front of customer login =

then as stated in the doc I modified the htaccess in public by validating rewritebase /

Step 6 Troubleshooting: If you're using a subdomain. ie, You will need to add RewriteBase / to public / .htaccess otherwise it can fail with

I also modified the .env file

APP_ENV = Production
APP_DEBUG = false
APP_URL = https: //
APP_KEY = g4kyzac9vrqklthf9m1ocdlis21figr8`

like this :

APP_ENV = Production
APP_DEBUG = false
APP_URL = https: //
APP_KEY = g4kyzac9vrqklthf9m1ocdlis21figr8

but it still does not work
can someone help me?
Thank you in advance
Best regards

Have you tried sending yourself a test invoice?

The email sent to clients will have a link to the client portal whereas the notification email sent to users leads to the admin login.