Client portal: An Error Occurred The server returned a "405 Method Not Allowed"

Hey there,
I have a problem. A customer yesterday told me, when he want’s to go to the next page of payments in the client portal the following screen appears an nothing happens.

Do you have any idea how to fix this?
(the same happens on every page, where page 2 or more exists and when trying to save any customer information like the address)

Thanks for your help in advance,


Thanks for reporting this!

cc @david @ben


We see this when Livewire can’t hit its route. Typically when the app is installed in a subdirectory. If you inspect the browser console you may be able to see the URL it is trying to reach when it returns the 405.

The other possible causes could be mod-security.

@david you’re rigth. It tries to connect to, but it fails with an 405-error?
Any idea, why that happens?

405 means that the route you are hitting is not the right one.

I wonder if the extra // in the url is messing with things?

if you have a trailing URL in your APP_URL try removing it.

You’ve been absolutly rigth. InvoiceNinja Setup has created the following value:
instead of
APP_URL= (with this variant, the client portal works flawlessly. Thank you!!!)

Is this an intended behavior?