Client Logout

We require clients to set passwords. How are the to logout without a logout button??

I cannot believe I’m the only one looking for this!

This was recently added, which version are you using?

Hi - that’s good news! Version 4.5.4 via Soctaculous as provided by our host.

Thank you for the quick reply!

Just took another long look at the client portal and I just don’t see any way for them to logout. I was browsing the code and did see the logout view somewhere - don’t remember where - so, I know it’s there but it’s not visible that I can tell.

Thanks again for the reply.

Not sure, there should be a log out option in the top right.

No, nothing - this is the standard install theme - all black header.

Can you show me a partial screen shot of what it looks like?

You should see the words ‘logout’ in the top right.

Sorry, didn’t see the code - I see what’s going on - password not enabled in settings. Enabled same and now I see the log out.

You know, settings could use a better label instead of password protect “invoices”. To me, this means if you want to protect invoice viewing use a password. I think better would be “Require Client Password” or such.

In any case, you guys created a great application. It’s exactly what we needed for our recurring membership billing. I couldn’t find anything on the open source membership program I’ve been trying to find. We are a non-profit so it’s very important.

Thanks again & keep up the good work!

Is there anywhere special that I can go and post a recommendation??

Thanks for the offer! We very much appreciate reviews posted here: