Changing Pages on Client Portal

I am running:


I have clients with multiple invoices due, and/or just viewing of previous invoices doesn’t work.

The buttons are here:


The buttons are here but not clickable?

Everything is working great, and I haven’t had any trouble until a couple clients got more than 10 invoices or whatever the default is.

Another/same issue is at the top I can’t change how many to show per page:


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


B. Mayberry


@david any suggestions?

You may want to inspect the browser console for any errors.

Thank you for the quick response!

Here is what the edge/console gave me:


Any help would be great!

Thanks, I suggest trying to upgrade to the latest version.

Thanks again, didn’t realize I was so out of date…

FYI, I had to increase memory of PHP in order to update…

I updated and now getting a little different error:


I don’t have a "…com/livewire " folder and not sure where to find the SSL server settings?

Any ideas?

Is APP_URL correct in the .env file, maybe you need to add /public

This is my .env file:


Thanks again…

Which version of the app are you using now?

I am running:


It appears that I may be having trouble pressing any button on the right page of the client Portal, some of them work but produces errors. The left menu bar works fine, but when I click on view invoice, next page, show 20 per page results, they all produce a 404 errors.

I also get this error when I try to save a client profile change, again any updates to the client profile and then I click save I get the same error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@david do you have any suggestions?

looks like running via proxy.

Another update, not having any issues to my knowledge or eyes inside the admin area. All buttons and functionality seem to be working as they should.

Just a thought…

Why do you have /public at the end of your URL? If you properly map the domain it should be pointing to /public as docroot meaning the url part /public wouldn’t be necessary. I seems this may be the cause since the console output shows it’s trying to fetch livewire from but your install is at so it should be
There’s also a security concern with pointing your docroot to something other than /public.

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@icedroit So what are you suggesting? Take the /public out of my APP_URL and ASSET_URL?

I just don’t understand, everything works except the client port items list above (page changing when possible on right side, display per page, change page, and changes to client profile won’t save?

Any help would be greatly appreciated…

@david - How do I know if I’m running proxy? Not sure what that means or how to work around it?

Any adivse?

You should check the mapping on your web host/server. Your domain pointing to invoiceninja should be pointing directly to the /public folder as docroot, then you won’t require /public in your URLs. since you showed some screenshots of console errors trying to access the URL without /public and others with it, this can be the cause. Also, check if you running nginx proxy or cloudflare in front of your invoiceninja.



This worked like a charm!!! Great job!

I added as a subdomain, then changed my env file:


Now the site is working again, completely. If you were have the same problem listed above use this as a fix it worked for me!

Thank again for all the help, and great job @icedroit !