Change the hamburguer menu icon color from grey to white

It might be a minor change but dark grey (#999) on blue just doesn’t work. Change it to white.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hmm… I usually use dark mode, with light mode it looks like the hamburger color matches the page title, I think it would be odd if they didn’t match or are you saying the title should also be white? I believe the current appearance is the default for Material design but I could be wrong.

Wait, are you referring to the web app or the mobile app?

Sorry for the late reply. I’m referring to the web app, on the top navbar, left to the site logo and right to the logged-in user name. The navbar background is #117cc1 and the hamburguer icons color are #999.

Both could be white for the sake of consistency but having the left one white (like the logo on its right) and the right one black (like the button on its left) could work as well.