Can't login into the site!

how can error with email provider hinder me from connecting to my admin site! it was working fine! due to some holidays, I haven’t used it since 10 days! today was the issue!

The error with the email is preventing you from using the password recover feature to reset your password.

I’m not sure why you can’t login to the app. You may want to try setting the failed_logins field in the users table to 0, maybe you had too many failed logins?

what if i upload the new version 4.5 again? earlier i got a http 500 error?

I’d be happy to try to help debug if you send the details from the error logs.

That said, I would suggest checking the failed_logins value first. I’m not sure updating the app will enable you to login.

this is the failed_login table as it is currently

Please check the failed_logins field in the users table

it is the same!

I’m sorry, I don’t know what that means. The field is an integer, what’s the value? If it’s 10 your account is locked, changing it to 0 will unlock it.

I deleted all users in the DB, I created new one… but now I have this:)
before i type this
so I get directed to the login page
any Idea!

Do you have a database backup?

Deleting the users would cascade delete all data they have created.

but the good new now , if i go to the link of password_recovery; i get this
We can’t find a user with that e-mail address.
Although I am sure that the email address is in the DB!

Yes I have, But when I backed up the DB, the users table was still empty! as if they weren’t recovered!

Sorry, not sure.

Did you check the value for failed_logins before deleting?

it was 0

I made the back up of the DB! but the tabe 'users" disappeared!i uploaded 2 backups but same thing! it is no longer there! before it was there! I deleted the table as I thought it will be created when I reupload the recent backup!

Sorry, I don’t know what would cause that.

Are there records in the clients and invoices tables?

Yes all invoiced up to the 25/06/2018, the last time I used it and all clients as well!
Although there is no user or admin!
do you know how to create the user table? maybe if i crete it manually and then reupload it will be filled with info?

I created user table, i uploaded the latest version, deleted the .dev file, run the /setup, i entered all information,
but at the end i got the “oups something went wrong”
now if i went to connect I have this problem from all browsers
The page isn’t redirecting properly

An error occurred during a connection to rechnung.********.de.

This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.</strong>

Shall I do a clean install, and then if I reupload the backup, i wont loose the invoices and clients?

Are there any details about the error in storage/logs/laravel-error.log or in the web server error log?

here is the link to the file (100% safe on my own server)
as it is too long