My Ninja Invoice v5 server (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS / LEMP) can save a new client but not a new invoice.
When a user clicks new a invoice, & selects the CLIENT as soon as the mouse pointer moves to the next field the CLIENT selected disappears.
I also to tried selecting the saved CLIENT and then immediately hit the save button, however, the result was the same. . Why would the system be able to save a new client but not an invoice.
Absolutely nothing. I selected the client & then clicked the CREATE button with INVOICE underlined above it nothing happens just dead clicks. Nothing opens, nothing closes.
I reloaded the site and STYLE changed. Bizzare. However, this it allowed me to create an invoice but it would not allow me to add a rate. I added the task in tasks w/ and rate amt. I added the task in the invoice and the rate did not come up and I can not add hours.
this is the most frustrating app I have ever used SMH
It sounds like you may have changed from the Flutter app to the React app, if you want to post a screenshot I can confirm it for you. There’s an option to toggle between the two frontends on the dashboard.