I created a surcharge custom field on invoices / quotes.
I would like to have my standard tax rate applied to that surcharge, but even selecting the option in the custom fields setting it doesn’t work.
Do I miss something or is this a bug ?
Thank you for your answer,
(sorry I can’t add screenshots, I have a error message saying that new users can’t upload attachments).
Are you using invoice taxes or line item taxes?
Thank you for your answer. I’m using line item taxes (second option on settings/tax_settings). If I remove line item taxes and use only invoice taxes, then it works, but that’s a problem because it’s common to have different IVA in function of the type of product / service sold.
For exemple, it’s normal to have a 20% IVA rate (the normal one in France) on a product, but a 10% IVA rate on a specific service, and a 5,5% IVA on a surcharge.
For the same reason, the auto calculation of taxes proposed for France can’t be used : it only has a normal IVA rate of 20% and a reduced IVA rate of 5,5%. But there are 10 possible IVA rates in France : https://www.economie.gouv.fr/particuliers/tva-taux-quotidien
Would it be possible to keep the line item taxes parameter and choose, the same way wo do for each product / service, the tax rate to apply to the surcharge custom field ? That would be the only way to cope with the different situations in each country.
I’m using the last version of Invoice Ninja.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
It isn’t currently supported, feel free to create an issue on GitHub to request it.