Blank invoices after install

With a brand-new self-hosted install, the “Plain” and “Clean” invoices generate fine (whether looking at them as invoices or in the designer tool). The “Bold” design is completely blank, while the “Modern” design has just the black legend with “Items” shown. I tried reinstalling, to the same effect.

FWIW, it sounds very similar to the problem described here (, only mine was not after update. There’s nothing in either the PHP or /storage logs.

There’s a bug related to the ‘Hide Quantity’ option which can cause this, do you have the feature enabled?

Nope. I think I enabled “Hide Paid to Date” at one point, though.

Can you try overwriting bold and modern (in /storage/templates) from the latest files and then load /update in the browser.

I overwrote the files, it said the update completed successfully, but there’s no change on either the invoice view or the designer view.

Can you check your browser console for any errors

From built.js, line 5600

The specified value '!' does not conform to the required format. The format is '#rrggbb' where rr, gg, bb are two-digit hexadecimal numbers.

I’ve tried changing the primary and secondary colors on the invoice settings page, but it has no effect.

I think I see the problem, search for $$ in bold.js and modern.js and change it to $ then load /update.

Sorry for the trouble.

Yep, that did it. Thanks a bunch!