Auto quote to invoice error

I just ran a test to auto-convert a quote to invoice after signature approval.

The following happened:

Quote was converted appropriately, and I was able to sign in the customer portal
However, the signature does not appear on the quote.

Also, the invoice does now show up on the invoice list (I checked delete, archived…)
But it does show up under the quote side panel and in the customer portal, and the dashboard shows there is an outstanding about due.

In the quote side panel if I click on the invoice it says it was deleted.

This is quite a strange bug. I will turn on debug and see what else I can find. In the interim do you have any suggestions?

Here is the error I received.

production.ERROR: Creating default object from empty value {“userId”:1,“exception”:"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Creating default object from empty value at /var/www/


Thanks for reporting this!

cc @david

Something bad happened now. I used the preview menu to try to restore then cancel/delete the invoice in question. Now no quotes or invoice show up anywhere.

Also tried logging into an incognito window to see if cache was issue.
Ran optimize and cache clear to see if that would help, but it did not.

Looks like there are too many bugs for now.

Somehow the client got archived. So I restored them and now all the invoices and quotes are back. Not sure what caused that though…

After the archive restore on the client, now the missing invoice shows up where it belongs.
All seems good. Really a strange thing.