Apply License Manually


We just renewed our license for another year, but when we tried to apply it manually, an error occurred in…

StartupCheck.php (line 195)
at HandleExceptions->handleError(2, ‘Creating default object from empty value’,…

PHP 7.3.15 (also tried on 7.2.28)
Invoice Ninja 4.5.9

John Low

I’m not sure, what do you see on line 195 of app/Http/Middleware/StartupCheck.php

Does this helps…

$company->plan_term = PLAN_TERM_YEARLY;

188 if ($data == RESULT_FAILURE) {
Session::flash(‘error’, trans(‘texts.invalid_white_label_license’));
} elseif ($data) {
$date = date_create($data)->modify(’+1 year’);
if ($date < date_create()) {
Session::flash(‘message’, trans(‘texts.expired_white_label’));
} else {
195 => $company->plan_term = PLAN_TERM_YEARLY;
$company->plan_paid = $data;
$company->plan_expires = $date->format(‘Y-m-d’);
$company->plan = PLAN_WHITE_LABEL;

                    Session::flash('message', trans('texts.bought_white_label'));
            } else {
                Session::flash('error', trans('texts.white_label_license_error'));

205 }

Thanks! If you can email we’ll provide a solution.

Thanks! Just sent an email to