Add Discount for as line in a invoice or budget

Okay. I’ll manual total it in the public notes.


I have also a problem to add discount for a line in a invoice.

In the comment above, it says "Settings > Invoice Design > Product Fields > Dragged “Discount” (Which is now showing up) down so it appears next to “Line Total” (Column 4 out of the 5 columns) "
But I don’t see ‘Discount’ in the list…


How could I add the discount field to each line of an invoice?

Thank you very much in advance.

And a screen shot of the dropdown list:

How could I add the discount field to each line of an invoice?

Thank you very much in advance.

You need to enable the discount option on Settings > Product Settings

In the future please create a new post for help

Thanks for the quick response! It works. :slight_smile: