500: Server Error on saving "Categories

Hi there, unlike other posts i’ve read regarding 500: Server Error. I only get this on saving categories. I can add products, invoices and every other thing but cannot create a new category. Anyone? Thank.


I’m not sure what you mean by ‘Categories’?

Are there any details about the 500 error in storage/logs?

[2023-12-29 20:27:25] production.ERROR: Access level to App\Http\Requests\Category\StoreCategoryRequest::prepareForValidation() must be public (as in class App\Http\Requests\Request) {“userId”:1,“exception”:"[object] (Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError(code: 0): Access level to App\Http\Requests\Category\StoreCategoryRequest::prepareForValidation() must be public (as in class App\Http\Requests\Request) at /home/grease/public_html/portal/app/Http/Requests/Category/StoreCategoryRequest.php:49)
#0 {main}

is this error in v4 or v5? The post is tagged v5 but in your other posted you wrote v4.0.1.