5.0.93 desktop app update and PHP memory limit warning

I’ve updated the desktop app on my Mac and now there is a PHP memory limit warning in the health check section. I’m running the latest docker image at the time of this writing, ie. 5.5.22

Is this safe to ignore? Can I do anything about it or is there a fix coming in the next release?

Edit: I just noticed there is a newer version of the docker image, 5.5.23 — will try and test it out now.

Edit2: The memory limit warning is still there using the 5.5.23 docker image


@david should we hide this warning if docker is being used?


The memory limit ewarning can be removed from docker installations.


I’m not running inside Docker, and getting this as well (new warning since v5.5.22, and still receiving in v5.5.23-C93)…

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I am new to Invoice Ninja. I performed the docker install (ver v5.5.24-C93). I am getting the “PHP memory limit is too low” on the same pop-up above. I’ve searched forum, github and google seeking directions for how one can increase php memory limit. The best I could find is editing /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini, but this location/file does not exist in either the server or app containers.

Can someone provide needed instructions for updating docker install?

Aside: Why doesn’t the image come preconfigured with 512M memory limit?

If you’re using Docker you can ignore that warning, it will be hidden in a future version of the app. This is the command to update the app using Docker:

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

Thanks hillel,

It turns out I was able to resolve the issue by mapping a new file volume to the app container within the docker-compose.yml file. I simply appended the app container volumes with:

  1. Copied the container php.ini to the local filesystem:
    $ docker cp <containerid>:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini ./php-ninja/php.ini
  2. Modified the local copy memory_limit=512M
  3. Added new volume mapping to docker-compose.yml:
  4. Deleted the 3 existing containers
  5. Redeployed containers
    $ docker-compose up -d
