404 Errors when modifying client profile details

Whenever clients or the admin attempt to update client details in the client user profile such as address, phone number, etc, Invoice Ninja generates a 404 error. Its not occurring server side when tailing the Apache logs meaning the error is occurring within the Invoice Ninja software. Only recent changes to the installation have been the updates which were installed using Softaculous. Debugging and clearing artisan caches isn’t showing additional errors and there is no log in the storage/logs/ directory of any kind. The error page itself is hard to read because it displays in a frame with a dark background and the error behind it but I was able to view it in the dev console.

Error 404 - Not Found
The document you are looking for may have been removed or re-named. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.

Browser dev console shows:


POST https://my-url-here.com/livewire/update 404 (Not Found)

Invoice Ninja version 5.8.33
Installation is on cPanel VPS hosting


@david do you have any suggestions?

What is your app_url?

Have you installed in a subdirectory?

It’s installed in a subfolder /billing

According to the .env file it’s set like this:

App_URL: https://my-url-here.com/billing/public

Everything else is working normally and has been since install. This is just something my client mentioned to me they’ve been having issues with since set up but it hasn’t caused major issues yet. Just this ability to edit a clients user profile data like email, password, address etc.