White label license and multiple companies self hosted


I’m using a self-hosted version of InvoiceNinja, on which one I’ve got several companies.
I was wondering if the white label license stand for an InvoiceNinja instance (aka my InvoiceNinja with all the companies), or it stand for one company at the time (so I will need to buy a license for each company) ?

Thank you :wink:

It will be shared by all companies linked under the account.

That was fast :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your answer ! I’ll buy the license right away :slight_smile:

Err… can’t do it. Just got this message while paying with PayPal :

Paypal_express: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.

OK, paypal problem… everything is good now.
How will I get the license key ? Email ? Kinda lost here, sorry…

The license should have been applied automatically.

Please email the results of this SQL query to contact@invoiceninja.com and we’ll send it to you.

select account_key from accounts;


select account_key from accounts where id = 1;

Email sent !