$viewLink returns unexpected link.

$viewLink variable used in e-mail templates.

Expected behavior: generate link to https://foo.bar/view/u18icsy7he3ra5b1kdirgrwofvv3tszy

Actual behavior: link points to https://foo.bar/invoices/3 [where 3 is the invoice number without any padding, and invoice pattern is set to {$year}-{$counter} ]

I have been plugging away all night trying to get this functional, but I’m stuck as to why it is not linking to the invoice view correctly.

So, after toggling password protect on/off and enabling/disabling iframe — link generation suddenly began working. shrug

I spoke too soon. The email appears in my webmail client on a desktop system differently than it does on my mobile email client.

The desktop client shows the full/correct view url in as a text link.
The android gmail app’s email appears as a blue “view invoice” button which links as described in the original post.

it’s obviously past my bed-time.

All is well – i was logged into my admin email on the mobile device instead of the test client.

I wish i could delete this thread.


Glad you were able to figure it out, you aren’t the first person to make this mistake.