View last 4 of card number, exp date etc

Is there any way to:

1- See if there is a card on file for the customer account without having to login to their portal?

2- View the last 4 and maybe exp date of the customer’s credit card on file? Many times they ask what the last 4 is on file if a payment fails. I have been able to view that on every billing system until now.

3- Login to the customer portal without having to lookup and enter their password each time?

Thanks in advance.

  1. With Stripe you’ll see a “View in Stripe” button on the client overview page, for other gateways you need to check the portal

  2. This should be visible on the dashboard in the client portal

  3. Are you using the hosted or self hosted platform? If hosted you should be able to access it by ensuring the link domain is

We plan to make more of this info available in the admin portal in v5

Nope, I use WePay.

No, it only shows the type of card and the date it was added.

I am using the hosted version. I’m not sure what you mean by the link domain?

I did check settings > client portal > domain is

I do have a custom subdomain of firestream though.

  1. It’s possible we don’t get the info back from WePay, you may be able to see it on /payments

  2. It may help to try changing the custom subdomain to ‘app’ in the link

Right now I have 4 successful payments, for 2 it shows the last 4 in payments, for 2 it’s just missing.

I kind of like the subdomain where it has my business name in the URL. I would lose this ability it seems if I changed the sub-domain to app.

Thanks, none of this is a huge issue, just trying to work through things and understand the product better.

Hmm… I’m not sure, it may be caused by the data returned from WePay.

I meant to try changing the subdomain in a single link to see if it enables you to bypass the password.