VAT word missing in invoice PDF

I’ve noticed that the word “VAT” is missing in the invoice PDF, both in my company and in the customer.
I’ve noticed this both in the free hosted and in the self hosted.
Am I missing somefield where I should enable it?

By default the VAT field isn’t shown with a label (maybe we should add it?)

Here’s one possible workaround:

  • For the client VAT on /settings/invoice_design#invoice_fields drag the ‘VAT Number’ field under ‘Client Fields’ to the ‘Invoice Fields’ section.
  • For the company VAT define a custom company field on /settings/invoice_settings#company_fields and then add the field to the PDF on /settings/invoice_design#invoice_fields

Hi Hillel and thanks for the workaround!
It would be really practical to be able to show the label (maybe let it be optional).
With the workaround, changing the language the custom field stays the same, so if I set the custom label in inglish “VAT number”, when I switch to italian, I will still have “VAT number” instead of “P.IVA”.

It’s possible the translation isn’t complete

The problem is not the translation, the proble is that with the workaround I’m using a custom field and the custom field can0t be translated!

Are you using multiple languages? Otherwise you can change the custom field name to use the translated version.

Hi Hillel,
I’m not using multiple languages and I don’t even know how to set them up!
I’m switching language in the setup when I need to send an invoice in english instead of italian.

Rather than switch the account language (which would affect all invoices) I’d suggest setting the language for the client.

But the problem would persist because the custom field would always be the same: “VAT” instead of “IVA”.

I can think of two ways to fix it:

  • Use two custom fields, one in each language (easier to implement/less flexible)
  • Use a custom design replacing the field stack with the individual fields (harder to implement/more flexible)

Those could be a good solutions! Thanks!
Are you going do add the label of the VAT field?

Not sure yet…

I think I found a solution for this, if you set a custom label for the vat or id number fields on /settings/invoice_design#invoice_labels the labels are shown on the PDF.