V4 migration to V5

FYI, Our V5 version is 5.1.19

Also, We have below in crontab but ninja5 still shows in the admin dashboard that crons are not enabled

          • php /var/www/html/ninja5/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Your assistance in the migration is highly appreciated

Hi, Nevermind, i got it working. I was using different APP_KEY for V5 and V4 so i just tried the key for V5 same as of V4 and added below one in .env
i then ran
php artisan optimize
php artisan migrate
php artisan queue:restart

and migration is now working fine. Thankyou

Just so people reading this are aware, you do NOT need to use the same APP_KEY in v4 and v5, the problem must have been something else.

Right. Except APP_KEY , any of the other above steps may may have helped to get it working.

I also noticed that APP_KEY format for V4 and V5 is different so what if i regenerate the APP_KEY in V5 and use that one , would it cause any issues to the database and existing records ?

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Changing the APP_KEY can causes problems if you’ve already added a payment gateway/stored credit card tokens

Got it. Thankyou :slight_smile: