Use of Nordigen Bank API

For reference, this is the line in question. However I don’t know enough about PHP to troubleshoot this.

return [
            'id' => $nordigen_account->metadata["id"],
            'account_type' => "bank",
-->         'account_name' => $nordigen_account->data["iban"],**
            'account_status' => $nordigen_account->metadata["status"],
            'account_number' => '**** ' . substr($nordigen_account->data["iban"], -7),
            'provider_account_id' => $nordigen_account->metadata["id"],
            'provider_id' => $nordigen_account->institution["id"],
            'provider_name' => $nordigen_account->institution["name"],
            'nickname' => isset($nordigen_account->data["ownerName"]) ? $nordigen_account->data["ownerName"] : '',
            'current_balance' => (float) $used_balance ? $used_balance["balanceAmount"]["amount"] : 0,
            'account_currency' => $used_balance ? $used_balance["balanceAmount"]["currency"] : '',

Yes, indeed. I’ve looked into this somewhat and have submitted a PR (though it is my first PR for InvoiceNinja): Nordigen API fix: iban should be treated as optional by kevinpetit · Pull Request #9289 · invoiceninja/invoiceninja · GitHub
You can try and see if my fix works for you, but make a DB backup before you do just to be safe.

Note: my fix has been added to the new release, v5.8.24. If you install this, this should fix this issue.


Congrats on your first PR, thanks for your help!


Thanks, I’ll do my best not to make it my last one :slight_smile:


Seems to work fine now, thanks to you two!


I’m trying to add an account via the Nordigen API. I’ve added the keys to my env but get a 404 error when clicking connect.

Any ideas where to start troubleshooting?

Please create a new post and we’ll try to help