Update failure - server error

i’m not sure on this. The error indicates the user running the command does not have permission to execute the chmod() command. judging from the comment above this, the update went through however?

It hasn’t gone through. The post above is from another user trying to get answers to their issue in this thread.

Does 777 chmod still have some restrictions then?
I thought that meant absolutely anyone can edit.

@david any last thoughts on what is causing this chmod error and update failure?


/var/www/vhosts/invoice.manytechsolutions.co.uk/httpdocs/vendor/nelexa/zip/src/ZipFile.php(456): chmod()

It looks like you may have come from a version using a different zip extension, with this particular extension we did see issues like this… we subsequently moved to native PHP zip functions. So I think if you can upgrade by copying over the release file, your future updates should work as expected.