Unable to use V5 after V5 upgrading from V5 to 5.0.41

The V5 is full of issue.
I’m very motivated to leave this software, too much issues.

As not only V4 has sometimes issue with recurring invoice also V5 is not working for me as reported here

I was having version 5.4.31 and see in GitHub latest version is different:

So I downloaded it zip, replaced all files, done composer update and php artisan optimize

now when I try to login I get:

Error :: '[{id: 4, capital: Kabul, citizenship: Afghan, country_code: 004, currency: af...' to 'minified:x<minified:iW>' failed due to: Deserializing '[id, 4, capital, Kabul, citizenship, Afghan, country_code, 004, currency, afg...' to 'minified:iW' failed due to: Tried to construct class "CountryEntity" with null field "thousandSeparator". This is forbidden; to allow it, mark "thousandSeparator" with @nullable.

I’m shocked about how many issues I have with your open source software.
Is nice but… very hard to use because of all this issues: unable to set recurring invoice, unable to update…

My patience with invoice Ninja is almost ended… I’m really thinking about uninstall and stop to use.
Nothing is working, nothing :S I find always issues.

Issues with V4 and once with time as solved now let’s start with a new version V5 full of issues for me, unable to make and see working on every aspect: Firefox access, CronJobs, Update.

I’m sad because if just functions work the software will be nice.

Found the issue I’m experiencing is described here

After try more than one time the solution seems worked:

When you’ve upgraded, from the command line you need to run php artisan migrate you’ll then need to flush the cache by appending ?clear_cache=true to the URL ie


Now still interrogating about the CronJob that never work with recurring invoices but this is another topic that I have mentioned in the previous message.

A new question with this 5.0.40 version:
The Health check say: Using PhantonJS, use Chrome to generate PDF. This is a warning but no indication on how to resolve.

Disabling the related row in .env file and optmizing by SSH seems resolve the warning. Now just have to see if invoice PDF are generated or not.

Hey there!

We’re still working on a ways to improve switching between multiple ways to generate PDFs. At the moment, we offer remote PhantomJsCloud and local Chromium generating.

To switch between those, you can modify .env file. To switch to local PDF method, make sure that PHANTOMJS_PDF_GENERATION is se to false in the .env file.

After that run:

php artisan optimize && ./vendor/bin/snappdf download

Now this step is optional for some people, for some is required. Depending on the OS, you might need to install the dependencies:

Now, if it doesn’t work after that, you can always go back to Phantom.

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Thank you very much especially for the tip to execute the command:

php artisan optimize && ./vendor/bin/snappdf download

Have a great new week!

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