Unable to upgrade v4.5.42 from, PHP 7.3 to PHP 7.4 and Migrate to v5


I finally got it to work.

I think (but can’t be sure) it was a combination of line separators and a space at the end of the file.

I also ran the following:

php artisan schedule:run
INFO  No scheduled commands are ready to run.

I assume this means the CRON job is setup correctly?

Glad to hear it!

There’s info here on setting up the cron

Thanks. I already did that. I suppose I will know tomorrow if it is working.

Just a thought…

For any pending invoices sat on the v4.5.42 site what will happen if the client opens that invoice to pay?

I suppose ideally I should suspend that site so clients cannot pay there and I am sure they will be in touch.

You can enable forwarding in the v4 app (although it may require 4.5.50)

And how do I do that please?

You should see an option on Settings > Account Management

Appreciated. Found it. Thanks.

You should be able to run the cronjob directly from the CLI to see if there are any errors, without having to wait for the actual cronjob to run at the scheduled time. Most people just have the results set to null but that is not helpful for determining success or diagnosing problems.

Another way to test it is to set the cronjob to run every 5 minutes and output the results to a cron log.