Something about the Customers / Users stays unclear for me.

Please can someone explain me. When I want a customer to see only their own invoices etc when logging in to the user portal (I use self hosted), but not being able to see other customers invoices (logically), is the right way to do it to link a user account to a customer and set the user account to have the permission to view every document type?

Can I be sure the customer can’t see things he’s not supposed to see?

And if I have multiple contacts with one customer, It looks like the linked ‘user’ account is related to the customer, not to the user…

It’s all still a bit blurry to me.


I think you’re confusing users with clients.

A user is someone who works with your company and can be granted access to your account, a client/contact is someone you send an invoice to in order to be paid.

If a client has multiple contacts all contacts will be able to see the invoices for the client.

A user is someone who works with your company and can be granted access to your account, a client/contact is someone you send an invoice to in order to be paid.
Thanks, that’s how I assumed it was meant too, maybe it’s the Dutch translation, but when I go to ‘Clients’, After the group field there’s a field ‘Gebruiker’ (User) in English, I thought that would be the user account the client is associated with. If not, where to I set the login data for the client?

That field allows you to assign the client to an admin user, it isn’t related to how the client logs in.

The client portal login settings are configured on Settings > Client Portal.

Thanks, all clear now!

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