Self hosted invoiceninja 5 only mails to 1 address

Hi! Sorry if this is already somewhere on the forum (I swear I looked). I got a weird issue since installing invoice ninja 5. I am able to mail, but I can only mail to the mailaddress which is the sending mailaddress for the installation. In other words, in setup I configured the smtp settings to be able to send mail. I did a testmail sending that to myself, and that arrived, but I cannot send directly to my clients (NB: it says the mail was send, but it never arrives, I tried with various email addresses). For now I do a workaround, sending it to me, and then to the clients, but of course that´s far from ideal. What could be the problem here? Thanks in advance!


@david do you have any suggestions?

Would be great if @david new how to solve this!

It seems related to this post: Emailing Invoices to Local Email Works, to External Email Does Not Work (the symptoms are the same), but this post is about version 4, which stored emailsettings in the database, now it is in the .env file, which is a bit different. Driver is not set anymore. In the solution I see the solver doesnt use encryption. Not sure whether that is the way to go…

Anyone can help here?

@david may have some suggestions.

It also may help to test with a different email account.

Today I tried to change settings to no encryption, so from




That didnt make much difference, but I did notice that I am also able to mail to other mailaccounts within my account (could be that this was already the case before). Even with other domain names, as long as they are hosted on the same server (maybe not technically the right way to address it, I am not a full on tech). Mail send to hotmail or Gmail does not arrive.

You suggest to make the sending address a different one?

It’s your email smtp provider. For example yahoo and hotmail mostly require sender to use encryption.
You should just use Amazon SES for smtp sending - it is the most deliverable and almost free ($0.10 / 1000 emails)

Thanks, but I doubt that´s the solution here. As I might not have stated before, using the same emailaddress and smtp settings (with encryption) worked fine in version 4, in version 5 it gives me this situation, and searching for solutions I found that it worked for someone without encryption, so I tried.
Apart from that, using that same mailaddress, I can email these clients from Outlook. So there must be something going wrong within invoice ninja. At least, that´s what I think. But I have a look at amazon SES, thanks for that!