Self Hosted Google Login

Hi all,

Is it possible with the current version to use GoogleLogin for authentication?

For all my applications staff login with their googlelogin details which ensures easily manageable security across all our applications, however i cant see a way to do this with invoiceninja.

I am guessing that i would possibly need to make a module that would use some form of google auth and override the default invoiceninja login? but has someone already done this as i dont really have time at the moment.


You’d need to add these values in the .env file

Thanks that helps. However it doesnt explain what config is required on the google Application end and i keep getting error:

Client error:"GET"resulted in a"403 Forbidden" response:
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"usageLimits","reason":"accessNotConfigured","message":"Project 123456789000 is not found (truncated...)

Is there a setting that means you can stop people using local accounts to login and only allow Google accounts? (except for customers)

Not sure…

Sorry, no.