Reports are crazy

So… what’s going on in here? :smiley:

I ran an expense report for this year grouping by month. Then I filtered by category. In each month header Invoice Ninja shows the correct number of expenses for that month, but the total value (sum?) is zero. But the craziest things are the dates: the system is set to day-month-year date format, so I have a R$ 10 expense (highlighted in red) at 05-04-2017 (that is, April 5, 2017) but it shows under the May 2017 header.

The last expense in that table is one from 30-01-2017 (January 30, 2017) showing up with a Jun 2019 header.

I know, I know, Invoice Ninja is improving its accounting/reporting capabilities… I just thought about reporting these issues :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting these issues!

I think this is two separate problems both caused by localization (the date and currency formats), we’ll look into correcting the problems.

I don’t see the ‘Jun 2019’ header, can you upload a complete screenshot.

There you go: