Red-Only function after sending an invoice


I have a question about your self-hosted software.

Is there a function to block the modification of an invoice after it has been sent?

Currently, if I update a customer’s contact information, it automatically updates all my invoices already sent. It’s pretty probelmatic from a legal point of view.



There is a ‘lock invoices’ feature for the self host version but it only locks the invoice details, not the client details.

One option may be to setup a BCC email address and attach the PDF to emails to store a static version of the invoice PDF.

Ok, thanks for the quick reply. I admit that I have a little trouble understanding why it is not possible to completely block the writing of an invoice (and also customer details) from the moment it was sent. Is it possible to prevent the customer to modifying his own details in the front office ?

You may be able to hide the ‘update details’ button in the client portal using custom CSS.