Quote/invoice display on Self-Hosted 3.0.5

I am using the self-hosted version 3.0.5 and am running into an issue I cannot reproduce. I have one customer who is unable to view quotes and invoices. Strangely none of my other customers have reported this. This particular customer indicated that she gets this on multiple computers. I’ve tried asking what OS and browser she’s using but I was fortunate enough to at least get this screen shot. Note that I do have the terms checkbox enabled and I have changed the “Approve” button label to “Accept”.

quote display

Thanks for the screenshot!

I haven’t seen this before, I’d need to know which browser they’re using to debug further.

She said she got the results in the screenshot using Chrome and Firefox. However, it ended up working for her in Internet Explorer.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Please let us know if you’re able to replicate the problem.