Problem porting from 4.5.38 to 5.1.48


  • Host:
  • Manager: Softaculous
  • cPanel: 94.0.5
  • NEW Public URL: https : //
  • OLD public URL: https : //

OLD version CRON once daily jobs:
/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/bin/php /home/visrico/public_html/ininja/artisan ninja:send-reminders
/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/bin/php /home/visrico/public_html/ininja/artisan ninja:send-invoices

NEW version CRON once daily job:
cd /home/visrico/public_html/act && /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/bin/php -d register_argc_argv=On artisan schedule:run

NEW version CRON job every 5 minutes:
cd /home/visrico/public_html/act && /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/bin/php -d register_argc_argv=On artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty

CRON job I used to test syntax of 5-minute repeating job (and load my debug settings):
cd /home/visrico/public_html/act && /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/bin/php -d register_argc_argv=On artisan optimize

It was a chore to figure out that the only PHP version compatible with BOTH 4.x and 5.x is PHP7.3. At least when I set that globally in cPanel MultiPHP I can log in to both versions, which is necessary to migrate data - right?

Now that I have changed all the CRON jobs to use 7.3 I get daily reports from the 3 once daily runs. I dont have anything to send out yet, so the reports just say “0 documents found” or “task empty”, or words to that effect. Which is “fine” because it proves they are running. I don’t get any reports from the 5-minute repeating CRON job. My “diagnostic” job to reload the .env file so it would see the “debug” logging variable reported back without any errors and it did some things so it seems to work.

Log file in the /public/act folder where the app lives “error_log” has lots of these errors:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '

Storage/logs/laravel.log has no new messages since 4/20, when I spawned the new version! And this is with these set in .env:

when I refresh the new version I get a “debug enabled” warning in RED so it seems to have picked up the change.

One help guide said I needed to change a setting:

So I did and then ran the migration tool in 4.5.38 (again) I used this for my new version URL:

I am the same user in both. The migration ends with a message indicating migration has started and I will get an email when done - never got an email.

When I use PHPmyadmin to look at the MySQL database for the NEW version I see my old invoices and clients in “invoices” and “client_contacts” so part of the migration must have happened.

But when I open the new version Invoices, clients and my logo are all blank. Very odd. Like its not connecting to the db?

When I click on the “Info” button in the new version I get this image:

And I have a red triangle about CRON:

    • New Users can only add ONE image, so I removed this one - -

Any input appreciated, thanks in advance!


Correct, PHP 7.3 is the right version to use if both apps are on the same server. We’ll try to make this clearer.

@david any thoughts on the other errors?

Speaking of “making things clearer”:

When a user starts the Migration process, it asks for the URL of the new system. The example shown is for a self hosted install sitting on a single domain. Whereas I am running out of a folder under my domain. I took me several tries to figure out what the URL should be. And I actually added it to my post to fish, that is to see if anybody says “That is the wrong URL to use!”. Since I don’t know for sure if it is.

My ISP fixed the missing PHP module (Imagick). so I was going to try the Migration again, but first enable DEBUG logging in the old version. I copied the settings from my new version ENV file for debug logging and “enhanced logging” - I put Enhanced logging at the end of the file in case it not supported, hoping the rest of the file will be kept. I then went looking for the equivalent to “artisan optimize” for the old version.

I wound up with:
artisan ninja:check-data

And it reported some very nasty-looking errors! This is a big file, I will try and post it here:

2021-04-29 06:26:01 2021-04-29 06:26:01 Running CheckData...
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 activities with blank invoice backup
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients with incorrect paid to date
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 draft sent invoices
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 invoices with incorrect balances
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients with incorrect balance/activities
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 contacts without a contact_key
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients without any contacts
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients without a single primary contact
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 user accounts with multiple companies
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 users with duplicate oauth ids
2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 failed jobs
2021-04-29 06:26:02 sq is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:02 bg is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:02 zh_TW is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:02 hr is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 cs is invalid: <p>Posílejte klientům stejné faktury týdně, dvakrát za měsíc, měsíčně, čtvrtletně nebo ročně. </p>
        <p>Použijte :MONTH, :QUARTER or :YEAR pro dynamicky měnící se datumy. Funguje zde i základní matematika například, jako  :MONTH-1.</p>
        <p>Příklady dynamických proměnných na faktuře:</p>
          <li>"Členství v posilovně za  :MONTH" => "Členství v posilovně za červenec"</li>
          <li>":YEAR+1 roční předplatné" => "2015 roční předplatné"</li>
          <li>"Platba za :QUARTER+1" => "Platba za Q2"</li>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 cs is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 da is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 nl is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 en is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 en_AU is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:03 en_GB is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:04 fi is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:04 fr is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:04 fr_CA is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:04 de is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:05 el is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:05 it is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:05 ja is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:05 lt is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:06 mk_MK is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:06 nb_NO is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:06 pl is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:06 pt_BR is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:06 pt_PT is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:07 ro is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:07 ru_RU is invalid: <p>Автоматически отправлять клиентам одни и те же счета-фактуры еженедельно, раз в два месяца, ежемесячно, ежеквартально или ежегодно.</p>
<p>Используйте :MONTH, :QUARTER или :YEAR для динамических дат. Базовая математика также работает, например, :MONTH-1.</p>
<p>Примеры динамических переменных счета:</p>
<li>"Абонемент в спортзал на :MONTH" =>  "Абонемент в спортзал на июль"</li>
<li>":YEAR+1 годовая подписка" => "2015 годовая подписка"</li>
<li>"Вознаграждение за  :QUARTER+1 квартал" => "Вознаграждение за 2 квартал"</li>
2021-04-29 06:26:07 ru_RU is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:07 sr_RS is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:07 sl is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:08 es is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:08 es_ES is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:08 sv is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:08 th is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:09 tr_TR is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href=""></a>
2021-04-29 06:26:09 34 invalid text strings
2021-04-29 06:26:09 Done: FAILURE

In CheckData.php line 110:
  Check data failed!!                                                          
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 2021-04-29 06:26:01 Running CheckData...                 
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 activities with blank invoice backup                   
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients with incorrect paid to date                    
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 draft sent invoices                                    
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 invoices with incorrect balances                       
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients with incorrect balance/activities              
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 contacts without a contact_key                         
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients without any contacts                           
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 clients without a single primary contact               
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 user accounts with multiple companies                  
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 users with duplicate oauth ids                         
  2021-04-29 06:26:01 0 failed jobs                                            
  2021-04-29 06:26:02 sq is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:02 bg is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:02 zh_TW is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:02 hr is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 cs is invalid: <p>Posílejte klientům stejné faktury týd  
  ně, dvakrát za měsíc, měsíčně, čtvrtletně nebo ročně. </p>                   
          <p>Použijte :MONTH, :QUARTER or :YEAR pro dynamicky měnící se datum  
  y. Funguje zde i základní matematika například, jako  :MONTH-1.</p>          
          <p>Příklady dynamických proměnných na faktuře:</p>                   
            <li>"Členství v posilovně za  :MONTH" => "Členství v posilovně za  
            <li>":YEAR+1 roční předplatné" => "2015 roční předplatné"</li>     
            <li>"Platba za :QUARTER+1" => "Platba za Q2"</li>                  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 cs is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 da is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 nl is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 en is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 en_AU is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:03 en_GB is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:04 fi is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:04 fr is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:04 fr_CA is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:04 de is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:05 el is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:05 it is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:05 ja is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:05 lt is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:06 mk_MK is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:06 nb_NO is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:06 pl is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:06 pt_BR is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:06 pt_PT is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:07 ro is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:07 ru_RU is invalid: <p>Автоматически отправлять клиентам   
  одни и те же счета-фактуры еженедельно, раз в два месяца, ежемесячно, ежекв  
  артально или ежегодно.</p>                                                   
  <p>Используйте :MONTH, :QUARTER или :YEAR для динамических дат. Базовая мат  
  ематика также работает, например, :MONTH-1.</p>                              
  <p>Примеры динамических переменных счета:</p>                                
  <li>"Абонемент в спортзал на :MONTH" =>  "Абонемент в спортзал на июль"</li  
  <li>":YEAR+1 годовая подписка" => "2015 годовая подписка"</li>               
  <li>"Вознаграждение за  :QUARTER+1 квартал" => "Вознаграждение за 2 квартал  
  2021-04-29 06:26:07 ru_RU is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:07 sr_RS is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:07 sl is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:08 es is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:08 es_ES is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:08 sv is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:08 th is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowed.   
  Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:09 tr_TR is invalid: Cross account migration is not allowe  
  d. Please read more about it here: <a href="  
  2021-04-29 06:26:09 34 invalid text strings                                  
  2021-04-29 06:26:09 Done: FAILURE

I see in another post you remarked these Cross account migration errors can be ignored. So i went ahead and tried another migration, with FORCE on.

Here are some log files:

In /public_html/act/storage/logs:
This log also exists in the logs folder of the OLD version. cute.
[2021-04-29 19:19:32] production.INFO: Starting Migration
[2021-04-29 19:19:32] production.INFO: purging the existing company here
[2021-04-29 19:19:33] production.INFO: starting migration job
[2021-04-29 19:19:33] production.INFO: migrations/
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Inside Migration Job
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: 1
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: array (
0 => ‘0 clients with incorrect balances’,
1 => ‘0 clients with incorrect invoice balances’,
2 => ‘0 clients with incorrect paid to dates’,
3 => ‘0 clients with incorrect client balances’,
4 => ‘0 contacts without a contact_key’,
5 => ‘0 clients without any contacts’,
6 => ‘0 clients without a single primary contact’,
‘company_hash’ => NULL,
[2021-04-29 19:19:42] production.INFO: Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2.

[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: Importing account
[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: Importing company
[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: the path https : //
[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: Importing users
[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: Importing payment_terms
[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: Importing tax_rates
[2021-04-20 19:48:20] production.INFO: Importing clients
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing company_gateways
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing client_gateway_tokens
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing vendors
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing projects
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing products
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing credits
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing invoices
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing recurring_invoices
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing quotes
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing payments
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing expense_categories
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing task_statuses
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: in task statuses
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: finished task statuses
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing expenses
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing tasks
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: Importing documents
[2021-04-20 19:48:21] production.INFO: https : / /
[2021-04-20 19:48:25] production.INFO: https : / /
[2021-04-20 19:48:28] production.INFO: latest version = 5.1.48
[2021-04-20 19:48:28] production.INFO: Completed🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 at 2021-04-20 19:48:28
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Importing account
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Importing company
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: the path https : / /
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Importing users
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Importing payment_terms
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Importing tax_rates
[2021-04-29 19:19:35] production.INFO: Importing clients
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing company_gateways
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing client_gateway_tokens
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing vendors
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing projects
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing products
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing credits
[2021-04-29 19:19:36] production.INFO: Importing invoices
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing recurring_invoices
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing quotes
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing payments
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing expense_categories
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing task_statuses
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: in task statuses
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: finished task statuses
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing expenses
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing tasks
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: Importing documents
[2021-04-29 19:19:37] production.INFO: https : / /
[2021-04-29 19:19:38] production.INFO: https : / /
[2021-04-29 19:19:42] production.INFO: Completed🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 at 2021-04-29 19:19:42
[2021-04-29 19:19:42] production.INFO: latest version = 5.1.56

In ERROR_LOG in /public_html/act there are only old PHP errors from before, when I was missing a lib:
29-Apr-2021 15:03:01 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘’ (tried: /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ (/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
[29-Apr-2021 15:45:01 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘’ (tried: /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ (/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0

I am a little surprised, with these items set in .env I was expecting to see a lot more and verbose logging:

Not sure I follow, what specific problem are you seeing?

Yeah, sorry its a little messy as I managed to figure out a couple of minor problems and I posted my progress.

My problem is the same as when I started. I “migrate”, but never get the email or any indication that it completed successfully.

When I open the NEW version, it looks blank still. But if I look at the database tables they have my data ported over from the old version.

And yet, nothing shows in the new version. That one log " invoiceninja.log" Seems to end with an error. Which may be a clue?

In the Laravel.log I do not know why there is Unicode characters after the “completed” word.
Does that indicate a problem?

Thanks with sticking with me as I try to muddle my way through this. I kinda need this upgrade to get up and running so I can start Month end!

Is it possible you just need to change companies in the app?

1 Like

wait, what? I thought it was automatic.

Looking in the manual…

Holy cow! I had to click on the company name to select my ported company!

I am crying tears…

Glad it’s working, sorry for the confusion!

cc @david

Ah. Actually, I STILL have the same two errors I posted originally in the “Health check”:

  • PHP Exec not enabled
  • Using PhantomJS

And in the lower left corner there is still a red triangle ! mark with “The CRONs need to be enabled”.

How to clean these up?


If you are on shared hosting, PhantomJS is your only option, so you’ll be unable to change this one. On shared hosting PHP exec() is disabled. The only part of the app we use exec() is the self updater to run composer install

If you are using Softaculous to install invoiceninja this can be ignored, otherwise when you perform updates to the app, you’ll need to download the release file and overwrite the files.