Printing Invoices

In V4, printing invoices was easy:
1.Create invoice
2. Save (as draft, as sent or send email)
3.then click print icon.

All this was done on one page, without having to navigate anywhere else.

Unless I’m missing something, in v5, this seems to now be much more complicated and really increases the work flow to print an invoice. From what I’ve been able to figure out the only way to print is to:

  1. Create the invoice
  2. Save the invoice
  3. Select view PDF from top right drop down menu (new page)
  4. Click print icon. (new page)

Am I just missing a configuration option that would make this more streamlined?


We plan to add an option to show the PDF preview in a tab with the print option.

We aren’t currently able to show the native PDF preview at the bottom due to scrolling issues but are looking into it.

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Any timeline on that? Going to have to postpone move to v5 as this is driving our testers crazy lol.

Sorry, we aren’t able to provide ETAs for future features

Any chance of at least getting back functionality that was in v4 (print from preview on invoice creation screen) vs the new feature?

The problem with using the native PDF viewer at the bottom of the page is that it prevents scrolling from working. We’re looking into other solutions…

I just signed up for a trial version… am i understanding this that there’s no easy way to just print the invoices without having to first make a PDF and view it? If that’s the case this software is already dead to me.

We’re looking into adding an option to directly print the PDF but it isn’t yet available