Pre-Payment text error

I just enabled the option for clients to pre-pay without invoice on the client portal. However, when checking that the feature works, it appears as “texts.pre_payment” or “texts.number_of_payments_helper”. I have attached a screenshot of the error. Nothing is showing in the logs for this. I am currently self hosted on v5.6.18-M122. Thanks!


Thanks for letting us know!

cc @david

If you have the folder resources/lang in your directory you’ll want to delete this. This is the most likely cause of the issues, the upgrade from Laravel 8 to 9 changed the path from resources/lang to lang/.

The translations are present and working ok:

Hi David, just to confirm I am deleting the entire lang folder within the resources folder?

That’s correct. If you a worried, just try renaming it to something else to confirm this is the fix

Problem solved. Thanks!